Our Mission

At the intersection of AI, statistics, and biology, our lab is dedicated to developing novel computational frameworks for unraveling the complexities of biomedical data, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in computational biology and biomedical informatics.

Selected Publications

Full publications can be found at Publications tab or Google Scholar. *
EpiGePT: a pretrained transformer-basedlanguage model for context-specific humanepigenomics
Zijing Gao*, Qiao Liu*,, Wanwen Zeng, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong. Genome Biology, 2024.
EpiGePT: a pretrained transformer-basedlanguage model for context-specific humanepigenomics
HiChIPdb: a comprehensive database of HiChIP regulatory interactions
Wanwen Zeng*, Qiao Liu*, Qijin Yin*, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022.
HiChIPdb: a comprehensive database of HiChIP regulatory interactions
Simultaneous deep generative modelling and clustering of single-cell genomic data
Qiao Liu, Shengquan Chen, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021.
Simultaneous deep generative modelling and clustering of single-cell genomic data
Density estimation using deep generative neural networks
Qiao Liu, Jiaze Xu, Rui Jiang, Wing Hung Wong. PNAS, 2021.
Density estimation using deep generative neural networks
DeepCDR: a hybrid graph convolutional network for predicting cancer drug response
Qiao Liu, Zhiqiang Hu, Rui Jiang, Mu Zhou. ECCB Proceedings/Bioinformatics, 2020
DeepCDR: a hybrid graph convolutional network for predicting cancer drug response
hicGAN infers super resolution Hi-C data with generative adversarial networks
Qiao Liu, Hairong Lv, Rui Jiang. ISMB Proceedings/Bioinformatics, 2019
hicGAN infers super resolution Hi-C data with generative adversarial networks

Support & Funding

Support & Funding

We appreciate the support from the below organizations & agencies.

Funding Agency 1 Funding Agency 3