Liu Research Group
Liu Research Group
Rui Jiang
CREATE: cell-type-specific cis-regulatory elements identification via discrete embedding
EpiGePT: a Pretrained Transformer model for human epigenomics
Deep generative modeling and clustering of single cell Hi-C data
HiChIPdb: a comprehensive database of HiChIP regulatory interactions
DualGCN: a dual graph convolutional network model to predict cancer drug response
scGraph: a graph neural network-based approach to automatically identify cell types
DeepCAGE: Incorporating Transcription Factors in Genome-Wide Prediction of Chromatin Accessibility
OpenAnnotate: a web server to annotate the chromatin accessibility of genomic regions
Simultaneous deep generative modelling and clustering of single-cell genomic data
Density estimation using deep generative neural networks
DeepCDR: a hybrid graph convolutional network for predicting cancer drug response
EpiFIT: functional interpretation of transcription factors based on combination of sequence and epigenetic information
hicGAN infers super resolution Hi-C data with generative adversarial networks
DeepHistone: a deep learning approach to predicting histone modifications
Chromatin accessibility prediction via a hybrid deep convolutional neural network
A sequence-based method to predict the impact of regulatory variants using random forest